Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lessons From Game Of Thrones

Hey Everybody!!! I am pretty sure, there are a lot of people out there who are huge fans of the TV series Game of Thrones..Games of Thrones is one such tale that leaves a bitter sweet taste for all the viewers... I am a firm believer that GoT is not only a fantasy Saga, but on a philosophical scale a tale written to teach us the most important principles of our day to day life.... Especially in this modern Era which is nothing like the earlier days, when people were all about sunshine and puppies..
GoT is a Bitch Slap wake up call for all of us.....

Now, I strictly believe that George R.R. Martin had some other ulterior motive when he penned down this Saga...
I began to investigate what it was... I started trying to understand what he wanted convey... Ok starters he likes wolves and turtles... Now what does that say.... I got the theory down... He is into Jataka tales and wants us to understand the meaning of life and take away lessons from his Saga. Here are the Takeaway lessons from Game Of Thrones

1) First Love is a Douche:
OK; I hate being the bubble smasher, but hey! your first love doesn't necessarily have to be your prince charming... he can be the evil, sick, pervert king of all the Wackos out there... Just be happy that you got outta that....Prince Joeffery is our prime example for here...

game of thrones photo:  tumblr_m5dsikSfDT1qiyep0.gif

2) Mind your own Business:
Now, this is a good lesson for all of us... Do not go peeping around, just because you heard voices... Mind your own business or you will thrown out of the window,.... Age ain't gonna matter...So kida!! u got something to learn fro Bran here...

bran photo http---makeagifcom--media-9-23-2014-BjzlKN_zpsb4a1c727.gif

3) Shit Happens!!
This is life and Shit happens!! But.. You need to embrace the crap and move ahead and still get back at the douches who made your life lame... That, my friend, is how you win.. Learn something from Tyrion.

game of thrones photo:  tumblr_m4r2vnGF191qcmhq6o1_500.gif

 4) Twists and Turns:
GoT warns you... What you think and Imagine doesn't necessarily have to happen... This is life and lots of twists and turns..Now see Sansa... Nothing ever happened as she hoped for... yet she is surviving the struggle..

game of thrones photo:  tumblr_m6tpthzr5d1r5grla.gif

 5) Don't be a Pompous Ass:
Did you win? Great!! good for you.. Now stop bullshitting around before you get your head smashed... Revenge is sweet as long as you do it.. Don't make a scene man!!There are people counting on you.Tsk Tsk Tsk Oberyn Martell.. See where he ended up?!!!

oberyn photo http---makeagifcom--media-9-23-2014-7dgoIu_zpsa96e1c78.gif

 6) Weddings Come with Stress:
Ok now!! Its not just for the brides and groom, weddings can sometimes be stressful for the guests as well... So Suck it up I guess!!! or DON'T ATTEND... We all know what happened in the red wedding and the purple wedding.. Keep Calm and have some wine!!!!

game of thrones photo: Cersei demands more wine gameofthronescerseimorewine.gif

 7) Be Ambitious Not Over Ambitious:
Aye!! Nobody said you cant be ambitious... we only asked you to be ambitious and still be nice to people who helped you.. or else you will end up being a smack whack to a crack...The sad soul of Theon tells us a great story of how you can end up being the Bitch to Whacko!!!

theon greyjoy photo: got, got: theon lolforever_zpsfdf5aa7a.gif

 8) Be Nice... Not Every time!!
The reason boys get friendzoned is because they are over honest and nice.. Now Ned Stark was Honest too.. where did he end up?

ned stark photo: Ned Stark WTF ned2520wtf.gif

9) KickASS Girls:
Guys out there!! Really you must stop thinking Girls are weak.. We Kick Ass... (PERIOD).Arya Stark, a little demon girl...

game of thrones photo: Game of Thrones G1-6.gif

10) Stop Trusting Everyone:
You really don't wanna dig your own grave.. that just sucks.. What happened to Ned and Caitilin... People like Littlefinger are out there... BEWARE!!!

petyr baelish photo: Do the Creep ASoIaF dothecreepASoIaFpetyrbaelishvarysthespiderlittlefinger.gif

 11) Stay Calm... Help is your way:
Sometimes.. Just sometimes accept things as they are, and help comes your way.. all you gotta do is sit through the storm...Our cutie pie Sansa can say all about it...

sansa stark photo: Sansa Doesn't Care Sansadoesntcare.gif

 12) Best Friend:
Really Wolves are your best friends... They kill!!!!1

game of thrones photo:  tumblr_lnzby1jrzc1qee0uo.gif

13) Dragons:
When life gives you Dragon eggs, Hatch them, tame them, and use them to kill all those who oppose you.. No seriously!!! DO IT...

game of thrones photo: Game of Thrones LearningtoEatonhisOwn4_250.gif

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen Game of Thrones (Not yet) but your insightful post encouraged me to watch it soon. Comparing it to Jataka Tales some how caught my attention, its cool :D . I am looking forward to watch GoT
